
fredag 23 september 2016

English 8a WCP

Hello!                             10.20-11.20
Target: Be able to express my opinion.

1. Download films
2. Answer the questions. Use Socrative on your IPad. Room name: Asaslektionsrum

3. Useful phrases when you express your opinion. We read them together.
4. Write a short text about what happened to Adelia.Write with your partner and express your opinions.
-  Use phrases from a Personal Point of view and General Point of view.

You can start like this:
Adelia was left in the forest because she was blind. She almost died but was rescued by some people. Adelia's mother didn't want to take care of her so now she lives with Manuel and his family.

Express one or two general opinions about disabled children that are expressed in the text. Use the sentence starters from the paper.

Express two to four personal opinions about how Adelia and other disabled people are treated by people in the country and by Manuel. Use sentence starters from the paper.

5. Let another pair look at you text and underline the phrases that express an opinion.

Homework for Thursday 29. September:
Learn the general expressions, and at least four of the personal expressions.

torsdag 22 september 2016

Tyska år 9 Dativprepositioner

Hallo!                               8.20-9.10
Ziel: Kunna använda dativprepositionerna med säkerhet.

1. Gör klart pappret med luckmeningar.
2. Fortsätt arbeta med översättningsmeningar. Nytt papper.
3. Kahoot!

Hausaufgabe für Donnerstag 29. September.
Översätt mening 1-15.

English 8a WCP

Hello!                            8.20-9.20
Target: Read and understand a text. Practice expressing your opinion.

Download your film to Åsa.
Download Socrative Student to you Ipad.

1. We read the text together.
2. Answer the questions. Use Socrative on your IPad.
3. Useful phrases when you express your opinion.
4. Kahoot!

onsdag 21 september 2016

Tyska år 8 Die Sommerferien

Hallo!                           13.05-13.55
Ziel: Kunna läsa och återberätta text.

1. Läs s. 11-12 TB högt parvis.
2. Återberätta vad de handlar om på svenska. Slå upp ord ni inte förstår.
3. Aufgabe s. 13 TB. Vi går i genom uttrycken.
4. Samtal enligt modellen.

Mündliche Prüfung Freitag 30. September:
Du ska kunna samtala om olika aktiviteter som du gillar/inte gillar och kunna motivera dina svar. TB s. 11-13

English 9a The presidential election

Hello!                                9.20-10-20
Target: Learn about the presidential election.

1. Download your films.
2. Read the text about the US election.
-  Underline difficult words and phrases and look them up..
-  Summarize what the text is about.
3. We watch the clip together. Swing states
4. Summarize in groups what you have learnt today.
5. Answer the questions in the Socrative App. Room: Asaslektionsrum

Homework for Monday 26 September:
Verbs Freeze-learn

Tyska år 9

Hallo!                            8.20-9.10
Ziel: Kunna berätta om sitt boende och rum.

1. Gör den uppgift som du har valt.
2. Arbeta vidare med prepositionspappret.

tisdag 20 september 2016

Tyska år 8 Die Sommerferien

Hallo!                      9.20-10.10
Ziel: Kunna skriva om sommarlovet.

1. Skriv klart din text om vad du har gjort på sommarlovet.

Skriv på din IPad. Titel: Mein Sommerferien

Lämna in texten på fredag i Showbie.
Lär dig presens av haben och sein till fredag.

måndag 19 september 2016

Tyska år 7 Meine Freunde und ich

Hallo!                              Zeit: 12.20-13.10
Ziel: Kunna skriva och berätta om sig själv om sin familj.

1. Skriv klart din text, övning A s. 8 ÖB.
- Skriv så mycket som möjligt och ta också hjälp av s. 10-12 TB.

English 9a US geography

Hello!                              10.05-11.05
Target: To know what nature looks like in different parts of the US.

1. Today you should make a picture book. Time: about 40 minutes.

- Find  pictures that represent at least 25 of the 50 states in the US.

- Use Pages to paste your pictures in and write the name of the state below the picture.

 2. Speaking exercise: Time 15 minutes.
- Make a group of three people.
- Tell each other about the following things.
- Explain and motivate your answers.
- Ask each other questions to learn more about each other.
  • Where you live and what your house looks like.
  • What you like about the place you live and the house you live in.
  • Where you would like to live in the future.
  • What you like do after school and in your spare time.

Download your film about formal/informal language!