Goal: Practice expressing your opinion
- Read p. 52-53.
- Use the list of sentence starters when expressing your opinion.
1. "If the kids are old enough to do the crime, they're old enough to do the time" What do you think about this quote? Discuss in your group and listen carefully to your peers.
2. "We punish kids for being kids, and give them no chance to grow out of it" What do you think about this quote? Discuss in your group and listen carefully to your peers.
Homework for Tuesday 8th September:
Read p. 52-53 in the magazine so you know the content well. What do you think about this?
Läs s. 52-53 i så att du känner till innehållet väl. vad tänker du om det?
Read here: http://worldschildrensprize.org/magazine
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